Specialized Reading in English

Course Syllabus

Specialized Reading in English


HED 555 (HA)

No prerequisite

Lecture time: Monday. 11-12:50

Location: Alzahraa 223

 Spring 2012

Dr.Sarah M. Tashkandi

Office: Alzahraa 112

Tel:  6952000

Office hour: Saturday & Monday 9:00 -11:00

 (or by appointment)


Course Description (as in the catalogue):

The emphasis is on developing reading skills in English in home economics field using different learning resources.     

Course Philosophy:

Being the only English-based course provided by the department of Home Economics Education (H.E.E) to the graduate students, the aim is two folds; the first is to explore the nature of home economics education as presented in the English-based informational resources. Secondly, such exploration would implicitly help students develop English skills as they read, listen, and speak about these resources in English. Moreover, instructor will use English language, as much as possible, to deliver the content of this course. Thus, this course involves the integration of the subject matter (what to talk about) and linguistic matter (how to talk about it) for the purpose of accomplishing the course objectives outlined below.

Although , written texts are the dominant format of the learning materials, audio and visual resources related to home economics education are also explored. The learning environment respects the individual differences as well as the students social and intellectual needs by operating a verity of teaching and evaluation methods and strategies. Even though different teaching methods are implemented (such as cooperative learning, lectures, dialogue,reciprocal teaching), self-learning strategy is on the top due to the nature of this course. Moreover, class activities would range from structured daily assignment to fully independent group activities/projects.

Course Objectives:

This course will:

1       enrich the students' awareness about locating and utilizing Home Economics Education (H.E.E) English-based informational resources,

2       develop the students' reading skills as they relate to reading styles,

3       help students develop critical thinking skills as they interact with the learning materials, and

4       increase the students' appreciation as well as competencies of communicating in English.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, the student would be able to:

1-    show evidence in locating desired H.E.E. English-based resources,

2-    identify, comprehend, and report the important themes within the H.E.E. English-based resources,

3-    show comprehension of audio/visual H.E.E. English-based resources, and

      4-Develop a list of academic words throughout the course .

Student's Expectation:

1-    abide by the university rules and regulations,

2-    attend and participate in class activities unless having an authorized medical report,

3-    respect the intellectual rights and show independent academic effort,

4-    visit the instructor during the office hours at least three times throughout the semester .

5-    contact the instructor when missing the assignments' due dates,

6-    do the weekly readings and assignments,

7-    apply effective distance communication skills,

8-    turn-off the cell phone during the class time, and

9-    be on time …J


Grading system                                               Class activiti




class participation


Weekly assignments (total 4)


Audio/visual projects


Conference proceedings


Website presentation


Research abstract (5)


Academic list


Final exam








From 95 to 100


From 90 and less than 95


From 85 and less than 90


From 80 and less than 85


From  75 and less than 80


From 70 and less than 75


From 65 and less than 70


From 60 and less than 65


Less than 60

Course references:

Due to the nature of this course, there are no specific resources. However students are encouraged to access the following resources, in addition to other resources in the content area:


Association for Career and Technical Education   .

Family and Consumer Sciences Education




Kappa Omicron Nu Honor Society Human Sciences



 International Federation for Home Economics



United Nation



United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund



United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization


National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

College of Human Sciences at The Florida State University

"What Was Home Economics?" web pages at the Cornell University library on the history and influence of home economics

Home Economics Institute of Australia

Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences at University of Florida/IFAS

The Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)

Family and Consumer Science Education Association   www.facse.org  



Last Update
5/20/2012 11:56:48 AM